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Additional Classes

Living in the Heart of Now

Instructor: Mary Ellen Moore
Prerequisites: None
Cost: Varies by location

Class Description

This class is about getting in touch with a deeper dimension of who you are. using your body as your organ of perception you are capable of a deeper “embodiment” for the experiences of embracing yourself and relating to others. This embodiment is attained through presence in your heart, stillness, and through acceptance and compassion for yourself.

Psoas Release Party!

Instructor: Jonathan FitzGordon
Prerequisites: None
Cost: Varies by location

Class Description

A free and happy psoas allows the body to move with peak efficiency and little strain. Your psoas muscle is the main hip flexor of the body and the main engine of walking. It is essentially responsible for holding us upright while standing. Issues with the psoas can lead to any number of problems throughout your body, both physical and emotional. Lower back pain and other joint discomfort as well as disturbances to the nervous system can be linkid to the psoas.

In this class you will learn about, awaken, and release the illiospoas muscle group and understand it’s core function within the body. Jonathan FitzGordon is the owner of the Yoga Center of Brooklyn and the creator of the FitzGordon Method Core Walking Program.

An Introduction to Walking

Instructor: Jonathan FitzGordon
Prerequisites: None
Cost: Varies by location

Class Description

  • Maintain more energy and diminish muscle fatigue
  • Banish lower back and other joint pain
  • Build core strength just by walking correctly
  • Cultivate a healthier response to stress

In this class you will learn a natural walking technique that helps align your bones, free your joints and bring welxome relief to overused muscles. When the body moves as it si designed to, all parts work in harmony. using the FitzGordon method, we train you to bring your body into the state of balance that is individual, and healing for you.

Family Constellation Workshops

Prerequisites: None
Cost: Varies by location (pre-registration required)


Some things in families are bigger than their members. They puzzle, confuse, connect and separate us. They are felt as clearly as the sunlight through a window and are as difficult to understand as why a bolt of lightning strikes one home and not another. These aspects of family life reach our hearts and often disrupt our lives. They could be called interruptions to the flow of love in family life. They often come seemingly out of nowhere: sudden losses, sudden violence, irrational fears, phobias and rage.

We live what remains unresolved in our families. This movement is a blind and loyal effort to highlight wounds that live below our conscious awareness – and perhaps in the cellular memory of our blood – so the family system might become free to love one another more fully. When the heart bears too much it closes, that life even in a reduced form might continue. The family system then stores the wound and waits for healing. If it does not arrive, the stored injury is passed down from one generation to the next, always contained and always waiting for resolution.

Family Constellation facilitators are trained in sensitivity to notice and respond to such generational conditions of overwhelm. The conditions follow patterns and respond to principles of inclusion and right order, of facing what is and turning back to the original overwhelming circumstance.

Family Constellation Work takes place in a group setting. Just one family member need be present. Three levels of participation are offered: representing, constellating and supporting. Participants gain insights and feel new possibilities take hold in each of the three levels. Family Constellation Work is suited for conditions such as depression, anxiety, phobias, generational illness and relationship difficulties that feel disproportionate to the circumstances of our lives. These conditions can frustrate the flow of life and love in families and often have their origins in events that arrested the hearts of family members who came before us. The remarkable aspect of Family Constellation work is that once the rejection or exclusion is acknowledged, included or grieved, a spontaneous influx of vitality, reconnection and understanding is felt by all family members, simultaneously. One’s family life is then freer to become generative and gatherings create interest rather than regret.

Bert Hellinger of Germany ( ) has spent most of his adult life observing families, the ways we love one another and the ways love becomes interrupted. He noticed overriding forces governing family life and noticed further that if these were violated, interruptions to family life would occur.

Family Constellation work is done in a group setting. Only one family member need be present.