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“I may not like you right now, but I will always love you.” As you process this phrase you can acknowledge that love in the purest form has no limitations. We see this most often in the love that a parent has for child and vice versa. Agape love is love in the highest form.

Agape Love is Forgiving and Bountiful

Christians believe this is the love that we receive from the Father- it is untouchable and boundless; it is valued above all else. Christians feel that Jesus died for their sins – name something more selfless than that. We are reminded throughout the Bible that His love is forgiving and bountiful. That it comes without conditions and that it exists even in our days of doubt. He has taught us that we can best show our love through our actions and because He loves us endlessly, we can love one another.

Agape Love Exists in the Everyday World

But how does this exist in the everyday world? We can love one another without bounds, right? We can give when we know there are needs that have to be fulfilled. We can be good to one another without the expectation that we will gain anything from donating our time and energy, true? How do we seek to be the good in a world where it is easier to find the bad? On a societal level agape love is selflessly giving ourselves to others and the community around us. We see this on the news “Catholic Action Center to pick up homeless tonight as temperatures drop below freezing.” In church when the pastor shares a video of the young men’s group packing sack meals and delivering them to people on the streets, not because they have to but because they want to. In the grocery store when an older lady reminds the overwhelmed mom that she is doing a good job. In the drive thru line when the guy in front of you pays for your meal even though you’ve never met.

Ways to Give Love

Above all, the greatest gift we are able to give is love… love with the right intentions. There are several ways we are able to do so.

  • Offer Your Time – Volunteering just an hour of your week can make a monumental difference.
  • Complete a Favor – It is as simple as opening the door.
  • Give Your Support – Encouragement is powerful.
  • Offer Your Attention – The world is filled with distractions, set those aside and just be present.
  • Be Their Feet – Help others complete tasks, adventure with them, and stand up for others.
  • Offer Your Skills and Knowledge – Use these to help others fix things; teach them your skills so that they are able to do what you can.
  • Be a Voice – Use your voice to provide moral instruction and to teach righteousness.
  • Offer Your Heart – Pray for others and be so faithful in the power of prayer that you do not give up until you witness change.
  • Offer a Kiss – When we kiss others with pure intentions, agape love is sure to be found.
  • Smile at Someone – You never know how much a simple smile can a persons whole day.
  • Offer a Hug – Embracing another in a warm hug can seemingly take away the weight they have been carrying on their shoulders.
  • Give Your Money – Be willing to give your money and possessions even those that you cherish.
  • Offer a Hand – Use them to work, to hold, and to lift others up.
  • Speak Kindly – Remind others that they are God’s child, they are valuable and loved.
  • Love – Because God has filled us with his love, we can give more love.

Put Your Heart into Giving

You see giving love doesn’t have to cost us money, in fact most of the time it is simply giving a small amount of our time that in turn makes a big difference for others. It is giving without the expectation that we will receive anything in return but with the hope that we will bring joy, provide hope, and give comfort.

Mother Theresa reminds us, “It is not how much you give but how much heart you put into giving.” If you take one thing away from this, let it be that.

Our Events – Mindfulness Classes Will Help Your Love Relationships

Learn Mindfulness. We teach a simple way for you to follow your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors from a Neutral, Safe place right inside yourself.

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SYNERGY Holistic Health Center supports you in your journey towards health, happiness, and wholeness, and to provide a safe space for that transformation to unfold. Our commitment is to honor you and your choices, and to provide guidance, education, and skills to support your goals so that you can experience your optimum health and highest personal potential.
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