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Agape Love – What It Is and How It Can Help You and Others…

Agape Love – What It Is and How It Can Help You and Others…

“I may not like you right now, but I will always love you.” As you process this phrase you can acknowledge that love in the purest form has no limitations. We see this most often in the love that a parent has for child and vice versa. Agape love is love in the highest...
8 Health Benefits That Love Brings To Your Life…

8 Health Benefits That Love Brings To Your Life…

Having good relationships with others is proven to have health benefits. There are many songs about love, people love to love, and people love to be loved. Love is a natural emotion that can actually improve your health and here are 8 of them… Lower Blood...
The Difference Between Peace and Happiness in Your Life…

The Difference Between Peace and Happiness in Your Life…

Inner peace is closely related to happiness. In this post, we explain the concept of peace, its relationship to happiness and strategies to engage in which may result in an increase on your inner peace and happiness. Peace Do you want to live a life filled with...