Everyone needs a personal strategy for change. Change can be tough but with the following tips, you will be on a better road before you know it. In this article we would like to give you a few steps to help you develop your change strategy…
Choose to Change By Acknowledging Your Issues
Before you can commit to change you need to realize and acknowledge your issues. It starts with opening your eyes to the situation you are now in and the values of success that you want to develop for yourself. Do not fall into the trap of “I am too old for change” or “Change is too difficult.” Yes change is indeed often difficult but look at the many famous examples of people who achieved success late in life. So, just remember that never means it is impossible. The reality is that you always have a choice, you just need to realize and acknowledge the issues that are holding you back and choose to make the required changes. Developing the ability to say “no”. You have unlimited choices and part of your change making strategy must be to eliminate some choices carefully, evaluating them and concluding that they will take you to the success you desire. Sometimes other people may not be aware of your definition of success and they may pressure you to say yes to things that are not in your best interest. Looking clearly and eliminating outside influences is essential. You have the ability to firmly but politely refusing their suggestion.
Set Goals
A good place to start is to write out the reasons why you want to change. A goal is an end state that provides a focus for your motivational energy. Goals that are near in time get more energy than goals that are distant in time. You need some way to measure your progress, both in the short-term and over the long haul. Check periodically to make sure your moving in the right directions. Make sure the goals are realistic. Do not have too many goals. It is better to make slow, steady progress in one or two key areas than to have so many goals that the burden becomes overwhelming. Focus on what truly matters most and get it done. Then move to the next. Just a for instance if your goal is to drink less sugar drinks or to exercise more, it helps to be constantly reminded of the goal. That could mean leaving little notes on the fridge (drink water instead) or hanging up the gym bag in the foyer. Success breeds success.
Have a Mentor
Mentoring takes many different forms, ranging from the formal arrangement between a student and adviser in graduate school to informal relationships people develop throughout their life. If you have a friend and this person shows a genuine interest in you, that is an ideal way for mentoring to begin. This is similar to the dynamics of good teams. The team members keep each other mutually accountable while having a sincere concern for each other. You many not want to tell everyone about your issues but it would be great help to be able to tell a mentor you trust in order for them to be able to act as a good team member helping you reach your goal. The perception of others affects your ability to make change. By telling others that you are working on making changes, you can help begin to change perceptions that are working against you.
Support Good Habits
Instead of focusing or cultivating self-discipline as a means towards change, we need to introduce ritual. Building rituals requires defining very precise behaviors and performing them at very specific times and they will become a habit. Experts advise introducing no more than one or two rituals at a time, and making sure they become habits before introducing new ones. If you worry that habit will detract from spontaneity or creativity just remember if we do not ritualize or plan activities we often do not get to them and rather than being spontaneous we become reactive to other’s demand on our time and energy. We can integrate spontaneity into a ritual..
Knowing what is important in your life gives you purpose and sets the direction of how you want to live your life. With a sense of purpose and meaning in life, you have clarity and focus and both these elements are essential to you being able to successfully adapt and manage the impact of change in your life.
Our Services – Core Transformation Can Help You With Change
Core Transformation is a gentle guided process that leads us to heal and develop as human beings. The specific changes attributed to the core transformation process…
- Changing problem emotions and behaviors (i.e., anger, self-consciousness, procrastination, fear)
- Losing weight
- Improving relationships
- Overcoming depression and anxiety
- Healing addictions
- Finding fulfilling work
- Improving all aspects of health
- Creating an overall sense of inner peace, wholeness, and well-being
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About Synergy Holistic Health Center
SYNERGY Holistic Health Center supports you in your journey towards health, happiness, and wholeness, and to provide a safe space for that transformation to unfold. Our commitment is to honor you and your choices, and to provide guidance, education, and skills to support your goals so that you can experience your optimum health and highest personal potential.
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