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One in four Americans report hardly eating any vegetables at all. The latest data show that 23% report eating less that 1 fruit or vegetable per day. In order to receive a high level of health this percentage needs to change. Most vegetable are not high in calories and as a result they probably should constitute a large amount of your diet volume. Vegetable are even better than fruits Vegetable contain antioxidants and disease fighting compounds that are difficult to get anywhere else. There is a chemicals in vegetables called phytochemicals which can reduce inflammation and eliminate carcinogens. Studies have shown that people with high blood pressure and heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, digestive problems and bone loss would improve with a high vegetable intake. they also score higher on cognitive test, and lower their stress level.

Longevity and Eating More Vegetables

A study found…

  • Eating 7 or more portions of vegetables and 1 fruit a day there was a 42% risk of dying from any cause compared to those who ate less than one portion.
  • Those that ate 5 servings of vegetables and fruits per day had a 36% risk of dying from any cause
  • With 3 servings a day there was a 29% lower risk
  • With 1 serving a day there was a 14 % lower risk
  • Vegetables have a larger protective effect than fruits. Consuming small amounts of whole fruit is fine however your focus should be on vegetables.

How to Eat More Vegetable If You Are On a Tight Budget

Fermenting is one of the best ways to turn ordinary vegetables into super foods. Fermented vegetables begin with lacto fermentation, a method of food preservation that also enhances the nutrient content of the food. The action of the bacteria makes the minerals in cultured foods more readily available to the body. The bacteria also produce vitamins and enzymes that are beneficial for digestion. Almost any vegetable can be fermented, and fermenting farm-fresh produce is a great way to provide good nutrition year-round! Ferment one vegetable alone or create mix of many different kinds, along with herbs and spices, for a great variety of cultured foods. You can produce gallons of fermented vegetables for just a few dollars. Another tip would be to grow your own sprouts at home .. Sprouts are a super food that many people overlook. Learning to grow sprouts at home is an amazing way to increase your nutrient status without having to drop a ton of cash. Sprouts contain all of the nutrition of the vegetable they will grow in to. Just ¼ cup of broccoli sprouts contains all the cancer-fighting sulforaphane found in 7 cups of mature broccoli florets!. Growing sprouts at home is shockingly simple and you don’t need any fancy or expensive equipment to get started. In less tEhan 2 minutes per day, you can have tons of fresh sprouts on hand at all times. Sprouts are a cheap food that are actually good for you. Some of the most common sprouts include alfalfa, mung bean, wheat grass, peas, broccoli ,lentils, sunflower and sprout garlic. And don’t forget about growing your own vegetables . Replace your lawn or shrubs with a vegetable garden. You could even use containers. If you do not have room or maybe live in an apartment join a local food coop.

The Best Vegetables You Can Eat

The best vegetables for you are ones you like best and that agree with you. Listen to your body, your vegetables should make you feel satisfied and energized. Avoid wilted vegetables, freshness is a key factor. The following are a list of vegetables with the most nutritious value.

Highly recommended…

  • Asparagus, escarole, avocado, fennel, beet-greens, cabbage, bokchoy, kale, broccoli, brussel sprouts, lettuce, cauliflower, mustard greens, celery, onions, parsley ,chicory, peppers, tomatoes, collard greens, turnips, cucumbers, spinach, zucchini.

Use sparingly because of high carbohydrates…

  • Beets, carrots, squash, jicama, eggplant


  • Potatoes and Corn

How to Encourage Your Children to Eat More Vegetables

Vegetables give your child energy. Eating vegetables can also protect them against chronic diseases. Children under eight years should have 2-4½ servings of vegetables each day.

  • Lead by example. seek to eat healthy and maintain optimal body weight for yourself and your spouse
  • Use praise when your child tries vegetables
  • If you child is overweight avoid comparing to other children
  • Cook healthy meals for your family, let the children be involved in making dinner and growing vegetables
  • Have healthy snacks available at all times.
  • Go for vegetable variety, taste and fun

Synergy Holistic Health Helps Clients With Whole Food Nutrition and Response Testing

Nutrition Response Testing is an interesting and fun way to learn what supplements your body needs and what your nutritional priorities are for health and healing. It is a way of communicating with the body using a specific type of muscle testing called kinesiology. Nutrition Response Testing also tries to identify if there is something interfering with the body’s communication system or interfering with its ability to heal.
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About Synergy Holistic Health Center

SYNERGY Holistic Health Center supports you in your journey towards health, happiness, and wholeness, and to provide a safe space for that transformation to unfold. Our commitment is to honor you and your choices, and to provide guidance, education, and skills to support your goals so that you can experience your optimum health and highest personal potential.
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