Since the late 1970’s, research has shown that women who eat cruciferous vegetables have an overall reduced risk of breast tissue abnormalities. Vegetables such as kale and Brussels sprouts contain compounds that shift the breakdown of estrogen to ore of the protective “good estrogen,” thus protecting against breast tissue abnormalities.
Research has shown women who supplemented their diet with dehydrated organic Brussels sprouts and kale were able to experience a substantial positive shift in their estrogen metabolism. A new study has shown that a supplement program containing 3.6 grams of dehydrated organic Brussels sprouts and kale was effective in tipping the delicate balance of estrogen in favor of the “good” form. Organically grown, bio-available kale and Brussels sprouts are now available in a supplement.
Talk to our licensed acupuncturist at Synergy, Mimi, today about how whole food supplementation can benefit your estrogen metabolism.
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