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The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that influenza is most common during the fall and winter seasons with infections peaking between late November to March. It is estimated that annually approximately 35.5 million Americans will get a cold and 13 million will get the flu, with thousands of people dying from complications. Not only do these illnesses make you feel terrible, but they also account for $10 billion in medical expenses and $16 billion in lost earnings, annually. So, how can we prevent getting sick?

Preventative Measures are the Answer!

If you’re like us, with a busy schedule and never-ending to-do list, you tend to wait until the last minute to take action. And in the cold and flu season, we often find ourselves being one of those statistics. However, by taking preventative measures, we can increase our chances of staying healthy. Of course, we know that hand washing and regular exercise are excellent preventative measures, but have you considered meditation?

Using Meditation to Strengthen Your Immune System

One study conducted by the University of Wisconsin showed that meditation may be more effective than exercise at preventing the cold and flu. They also found that if you do get sick, meditation effectively reduced symptom severity. Infante et al. found that compared to non-meditators, those with an established meditation practice had higher levels of B lymphocytes and natural killer cells, cells the body uses to protect itself from foreign invaders. Even in new meditators, Davidson and colleagues found similar benefits. They noted that compared to the control group, after an eight-week mindfulness meditation program they had increased immune responses to foreign invader cells. As additional research is conducted in the field of meditation and immunology, it seems very likely that we will continue to learn great things from this long-standing practice.

These are extracts from The Science of Meditation Report from UNYTE. UNYTE: Biofeedback and interactive meditation 

We at Synergy have been teaching meditation since before our Synergy doors opened. We started years ago in public libraries, schools, corporations, and with wellness support groups. We have found meditation to be the cornerstone of several of our holistic practices.

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Contact us (859-525-5000) for more information -or- request and appointment!

About Synergy Holistic Health Center

SYNERGY Holistic Health Center supports you in your journey towards health, happiness, and wholeness, and to provide a safe space for that transformation to unfold. Our commitment is to honor you and your choices, and to provide guidance, education, and skills to support your goals so that you can experience your optimum health and highest personal potential.
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