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According to a survey conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 87 percent of Americans don’t eat enough fruit and 91 percent of us skip veggies. Here’s how to get more in your diet….

A Smoothie packed full of protein from a grass-fed collagen source. Collagen is a building block for many organs and structures of the body. Great for hair, skin, nails, and joints. This smoothie is simple, easy to make, and a tasty way to incorporate more greens into your diet.

Ingredients (use organic)

  • 3-4 leaves green kale (with main stem removed)
  • 1 cup frozen dark red cherries
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. turmeric
  • 16 oz of water or almond/coconut milk
  • Two scoops of Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides


  • Rinse the frozen cherries under cool running water and add to blender.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients to the blender
  • Blend on high speed setting for about 1 min. or until smooth
  • Enjoy!

Synergy Holistic Health Helps Clients With Whole Food Nutrition and Response Testing

Nutrition Response Testing is an interesting and fun way to learn what supplements your body needs and what your nutritional priorities are for health and healing. It is a way of communicating with the body using a specific type of muscle testing called kinesiology.  Nutrition Response Testing also tries to identify if there is something interfering with the body’s communication system or interfering with its ability to heal.
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Contact us (859-525-5000) for more information -or- request and appointment!

About Synergy Holistic Health Center

SYNERGY Holistic Health Center supports you in your journey towards health, happiness, and wholeness, and to provide a safe space for that transformation to unfold. Our commitment is to honor you and your choices, and to provide guidance, education, and skills to support your goals so that you can experience your optimum health and highest personal potential.
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