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Research has found that even brief social interactions with others can promote improved cognitive functioning, and the same seems to hold true for even brief, social interactions with deities. As the holidays approach, let these times remind us of where we derive so much of our day-to-day strength; interacting and connecting with ALL we feel in relation to around us.

‘If you only say one prayer a day make it Thank you.” Rumi

“No prayer is complete without presence.” Rumi

“Let the words be wrong but the meaning right… that flawed utterance is dearer to God.” Rumi

Contact us (859-525-5000) for more information -or- request and appointment!

About Synergy Holistic Health Center

SYNERGY Holistic Health Center supports you in your journey towards health, happiness, and wholeness, and to provide a safe space for that transformation to unfold. Our commitment is to honor you and your choices, and to provide guidance, education, and skills to support your goals so that you can experience your optimum health and highest personal potential.
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